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Farm Programs: Efforts to Achieve Equitable Treatment of Minority Farmers

T-RCED-97-112 Published: Mar 19, 1997. Publicly Released: Mar 19, 1997.
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GAO discussed its work on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) efforts to achieve equitable treatment of minority farmers, focusing on the: (1) Farm Service Agency's (FSA) efforts to treat minority farmers in the same way as nonminority farmers in delivering program services; (2) representation of minorities in county office staffing and on county committees in the counties with the highest number of minority farmers; and (3) disposition of minority and nonminority farmers' applications for participation in the Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP) and the direct loan program at the national level and in five county and five district loan offices for fiscal years 1995 and 1996.

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Advisory committeesAgricultural assistanceCivil rightsDirect loansEligibility criteriaEligibility determinationsFederal employeesMinoritiesRacial discriminationSoil conservation