Radio Marti: Program Review Processes Need Strengthening
Published: Sep 23, 1994. Publicly Released: Nov 01, 1994.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the U.S. Information Agency's (USIA) plan for enhancing the overall review process for Radio Marti.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
United States Information Agency | Because of the controversial nature of Radio Marti, allegations of improper broadcasts, and concerns that broadcasts meet VOA standards, it is important that quality control procedures be effective and credible. Therefore, the Director, USIA, should require the Associate Director, Bureau of Broadcasting, to examine the external review panel's past comments and suggestions and determine whether OCB adequately considered them and took the appropriate actions. |
The Bureau of Broadcasting has established formal procedures to ensure that the external review panel's recommendations are responded to in writing.
Other | The Associate Director, Bureau of Broadcasting, should ensure that OCB follows through with actions it agrees to take and that its reasons for not acting on suggestions are valid. |
The International Broadcasting Bureau plans to implement the procedures for the meetings of future panels and to review the comments of previous panels.
Office of Cuba Broadcasting | OCB should routinely provide the panel with formal responses that summarize actions taken or planned or reasons why no action is planned. |
Procedures established by OCB include informing the panel of the actions taken or planned, or reasons why no action is planned.
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