Better Management Controls and ADP Requirements Analysis Can Help NASA Lewis Research Center
Published: Sep 27, 1984. Publicly Released: Sep 27, 1984.
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GAO reported on automatic data processing (ADP) equipment acquisition practices at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Lewis Research Center.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The Administrator, NASA, should direct the Director of the Lewis Research Center to implement a comprehensive requirements analysis process that will produce appropriate data for estimating future needs before upgrades or additional equipment is required. As part of this process, the Center should require top management to validate the comprehensive requirements analysis process based on mission needs and available funds. |
Management at the Center undertook a comprehensive survey of ADP resource requirements in November 1985. Primary computer users were surveyed with written questionnaires and follow-up interviews. The results of this process continues, but this data is reflected in the Center's most recent annual Information Technology System plan, which has the concurrence of several senior managers.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The Administrator, NASA, should direct the Director of the Lewis Research Center to implement a comprehensive requirements analysis process that will produce appropriate data for estimating future needs before upgrades or additional equipment is required. As part of this process, the Center should report ADP costs to all computer users so they are aware of the value of ADP resources consumed and can use this data when estimating new requirements. |
The Center established a new, comprehensive cost reporting process for all computer users. The concept was adopted by the Center's senior management late in 1984. Based on an algorithm which accounts for the different prices of ADP equipment used by different users, this system reports the monthly value of all ADP resources consumed by the various Center divisions.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The Administrator, NASA, should direct the Director of the Lewis Research Center to implement a comprehensive requirements analysis process that will produce appropriate data for estimating future needs before upgrades or additional equipment is required. As part of this process, the Center should structure costs of computer operations by time of day if Center officials determine that this control would be cost-effective. |
The Center did not implement an ADP cost accounting system structured by time of day, but it was reviewed by a Center study group. Top management concerns over the high cost associated with modifying system software and the limited impact this technique could have on improving computer work load management resulted in a decision to defer implementation. The Center may reconsider in the future.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | The Administrator, NASA, should direct the Director of the Lewis Research Center to implement a comprehensive requirements analysis process that will produce appropriate data for estimating future needs before upgrades or additional equipment is required. As part of this process, the Center should regularly analyze performance on the newly acquired IBM-compatible computers using the acquired hardware monitor and the software tools that will be available with the new operating system software. |
The Center uses performance measurement and analysis on a regular basis for all major ADP systems. These procedures involve the use of both hardware and software monitors and result in reports which facilitate optimization of system performance. Additionally, these reports regularly inform Center line managers about systems' utilization and how this may affect jobs.
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Public Inquiries
Aerospace researchComputer equipment contractsCost analysisElectronic data processingEquipment upgradesInternal controlsIT acquisitionsRequirements definitionComputer resources managementComputers