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Interagency Collaboration: Survey Results of State and Army Personnel Rotation Program Participants and Their Host-Agency Supervisors (GAO-12-387SP, March 2012), an E-supplement to GAO-12-386

GAO-12-387SP Published: Mar 09, 2012. Publicly Released: Mar 09, 2012.
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This e-publication supplements our report, Interagency Collaboration: State and Army Personnel Rotation Programs Can Build on Positive Results with Additional Preparation and Evaluation (GAO-12-386). The purpose of this e-publication is to provide information from two web-based surveys of interagency rotational assignment program participants and their host-agency supervisors.

Supplemental Material


This e-publication supplements our report, Interagency Collaboration: State and Army Personnel Rotation Programs Can Build on Positive Results with Additional Preparation and Evaluation (GAO-12-386). The purpose of this e-publication is to provide information from two web-based surveys of interagency rotational assignment program participants and their host-agency supervisors.

The surveys were designed to obtain participant and host-agency supervisor perspectives on the extent to which the programs achieved desirable outcomes and incorporated effective policies and practices to achieve those outcomes. The surveys were conducted between September and October 2011, and were administered to fiscal year 2009 participants and their host-agency supervisors of three interagency rotational assignment programs: (1) the Army Command and General Staff College's Interagency Fellowship Program; (2) the Department of State's Foreign Policy Advisor (POLAD) Program; and (3) the Department of State's other interagency rotational assignments. The participant survey had a 62 percent final response rate, and the host-agency supervisor survey had a 48 percent final response rate.

Survey results in this e-publication are presented in both aggregate form and by program. We excluded responses to open-ended narrative questions. See the full report (GAO-12-386) for a more detailed discussion of our scope and methodology as well as a discussion of the survey results.

We conducted this performance audit from February 2011 to March 2012 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.


Survey Results


CGSC: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
FS: Foreign Service (pay schedule)
GS: General Schedule
O: Officer-level (pay schedule)
POLAD: Foreign Policy Advisor
SES: Senior Executive Service
SFS: Senior Foreign Service
SL: Senior Level
ST: Scientific and Professional
State: Department of State




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