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U.S. Department of Agriculture: More Effective Management and Performance Can Help Implementation of the Farm Bill

GAO-11-779T Published: Jun 23, 2011. Publicly Released: Jun 23, 2011.
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The current fiscal environment, ongoing deliberations for the next Farm Bill, and the public's expectations for a high-performing and efficient government underscore the need for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to focus on program results and customer needs, work across organizational lines to help minimize any overlap and duplication, and build its internal capacity. USDA comprises 15 agencies in seven mission areas that are responsible for, among other things, assisting farmers and rural communities, overseeing meat and poultry safety, providing access to nutritious food for low-income families, and protecting the nation's forests. For fiscal year 2010, USDA estimated that its 15 agencies would have total outlays of $129 billion. This statement highlights examples from GAO's previous work that illustrate how USDA can address challenges it faces in three key areas: (1) the performance and accountability of USDA programs, (2) coordination within USDA and between USDA and other agencies to minimize duplication and overlap, and (3) the sufficiency of USDA management capacity. This statement is based on GAO's extensive body of work on USDA programs authorized under the Farm Bill and issued from September 2005 through May 2011.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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AccountabilityAgency missionsAgricultural programsErroneous paymentsFederal agenciesFederal aid programsGeneral management reviewsInspectionInteragency relationsInternal controlsNeeds assessmentPerformance managementProgram managementResearch programsStrategic planningDuplication of effortFarmersProgram coordinationProgram implementationWaste, fraud, and abuse