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Integrity Committee's Process to Address Allegations of Wrongdoing by Inspectors General

GAO-10-63R Published: Oct 15, 2009. Publicly Released: Nov 16, 2009.
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The inspectors general (IGs) have a unique role within their agencies to identify areas for improved economy, efficiency, and effectiveness through independent and objective oversight; prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement; and recommend corrective actions. This role requires that IGs and their staff maintain the highest level of integrity and accountability within their own offices. Over the years, concerns have been raised about the transparency of the process for handling allegations of wrongdoing against IGs and their staff. As agreed with Congressional offices, this report describes (1) the Committee's process for addressing allegations of wrongdoing against IGs, (2) whether the Committee adhered to its process as described in Executive Order No. 12993 and implementing policy and procedures, and (3) the effect of the Reform Act on the Committee's process.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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AccountabilityAgency proceedingsCongressional investigationsContract administrationData integrityEmployeesFederal intelligence agenciesInspectors generalInvestigations by federal agenciesInvestigations into federal agenciesMunicipal governmentsReporting requirementsCorrective actionWaste, fraud, and abusePolicies and procedures