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Federal Courthouse Construction: Better Planning, Oversight, and Courtroom Sharing Needed to Address Future Costs

GAO-10-1068T Published: Sep 29, 2010. Publicly Released: Sep 29, 2010.
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The federal judiciary (judiciary) and the General Services Administration (GSA) are in the midst of a multi-billion dollar courthouse construction initiative, which has faced rising construction costs. For 33 federal courthouses completed since 2000, GAO examined (1) whether they contained extra space and any costs related to it; (2) how their actual size compares with the congressionally authorized size; (3) how their space based on the judiciary's 10-year estimates of judges compares with the actual number of judges; and (4) whether the level of courtroom sharing supported by the judiciary's data could have changed the amount of space needed in these courthouses. This testimony is based on GAO's June 2010 report; for that report, GAO analyzed courthouse planning and use data, visited courthouses, modeled courtroom sharing scenarios, and interviewed judges, GSA officials, and others.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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AuthorizationAuthorizing committeesConstruction costsCost analysisCost overrunsCourts (law)Federal courtsGovernment facility constructionInformation disclosureInternal controlsMaintenance costsProjectionsTenantsScheduling (management)