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Confirmation of Political Appointees: Eliciting Nominees' Views on Management Challenges within Agencies and across Government

GAO-09-194 Published: Nov 17, 2008. Publicly Released: Nov 24, 2008.
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While some progress has been made in recent years, agencies urgently need to strengthen basic management capabilities to successfully address current and emerging demands. The incoming administration will face challenges in implementing its policy and program agendas because of shortcomings in agencies' management capabilities. Building and developing the institutional capacity to meet these challenges will require appointing the right people to the right positions. It is vitally important that leadership and management skills, abilities, and experience be among the key criteria the new President uses to select his leadership teams in the agencies. The Senate's interest in leveraging its role in confirmation hearings will send a strong message that nominees should have the requisite skills to deal effectively with the broad array of complex management challenges they will face. This report includes questions for each of 28 major executive branch departments and agencies, and one for each of the following seven major governmentwide management areas: (1) acquisition management, (2) collaboration, (3) financial management, (4) human capital management, (5) information and technology management, (6) results-oriented decision making, and (7) real property management and security.

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Congressional oversightEvaluation criteriaInternal controlsPerformance measuresPresidential appointmentsPresidential transitionProgram managementStrategic planningAfghanistan securityHomeland security