Agricultural Marketing Act Inspections Should Be Administered by Single USDA Agency
Published: May 21, 1982. Publicly Released: May 21, 1982.
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GAO reviewed the Department of Agriculture (USDA) food and inspection grading activities carried out under the Agriculture Marketing Act of 1946. Responsibility within USDA for these activities is currently shared by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and the Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS); GAO also reviewed this division of responsibility.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
Department of Agriculture | The Secretary of Agriculture should transfer to AMS responsibility for inspecting and grading commodities covered by the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 that are now assigned to FGIS. |
The agency disagrees with the recommendation. It believes that the current assignment of responsibilities is justified.
Department of Agriculture | The Secretary of Agriculture should transfer a sufficient number of FGIS personnel with expertise in grading rice and other commodities which FGIS now grades under the Act. |
The agency disagrees with the recommendation. It believes that the current assignment of responsibilities is justified.
Department of Agriculture | The Secretary of Agriculture should transfer the FGIS commodity testing laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. |
The agency disagrees with the recommendation. It believes that the current assignment of responsibilities is justified.
Department of Agriculture | The Secretary of Agriculture should instruct the Administrators of FGIS and AMS to execute a memorandum of understanding providing for FGIS personnel to continue inspection and testing services they now provide on exported commodities. |
The agency disagrees with the recommendation. It believes that the current assignment of responsibilities is justified.
Department of Agriculture | The Secretary of Agriculture should instruct the Administrator of AMS to establish a formal policy and system for maximizing crossutilization of AMS personnel on contract compliance inspection work. |
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of Agriculture | The Secretary of Agriculture should instruct the Administrator of FGIS to either: (1) transfer grain research work now done by the Beltsville laboratory to the FGIS laboratory in Grandview, Missouri, or (2) effect a memorandum of agreement with the Administrator of AMS providing for the Beltsville laboratory to continue this work on a reimbursable basis. |
The agency disagrees with the recommendation. It believes that the current assignment of responsibilities is justified.
Full Report
Public Inquiries
CentralizationContract termsFood inspectionGrain inspectionInteragency relationsMeat inspectionPoultry inspectionAgricultural marketingAgricultural commoditiesGrain and grain products