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[Request for Reconsideration of Denial of Claims for Contract Performance Expenses]

B-219117.2 Published: Jul 19, 1985. Publicly Released: Jul 19, 1985.
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A firm requested reconsideration of a GAO decision denying claims for expenses allegedly incurred by the firm and its subcontractor in the performance of constructive changes to its contract with the now defunct Commission on Pension Policy. GAO had based its decision on the fact that there had been no written evidence that the contracting officer had authorized the additional work and on his statement, and that he had not given either oral or written authorization. In its reconsideration request, the firm claimed that the record did not contain any statement by the contracting officer that the work had not been authorized. However, GAO had not based its prior decision on the existence of such a document. Accordingly, since the firm did not show that the prior decision contained any errors of fact or law, the decision was affirmed.


Claims reconsiderationsContract modificationsContractor paymentsSubcontractorsContract performanceIntellectual property rightsFederal regulations