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BOP Trust Funds

GGD-94-149R Published: Jun 27, 1994. Publicly Released: Jun 27, 1994.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed two Bureau of Prisons (BOP) trust funds, focusing on the: (1) purpose of, controls over, and costs of the trust funds; (2) current BOP rules, regulations, and directives; (3) amount of funds in inmate accounts; (4) inmate rights and responsibilities; and (5) markup on items and services sold to inmates. GAO noted that: (1) the purpose of the commissary trust fund is to provide BOP inmates the opportunity to obtain merchandise not provided by BOP; (2) the inmate deposit fund maintains inmates' funds in personal accounts; (3) BOP manuals cover the rules and regulations of both the commissary fund and the inmate deposit fund; (4) each institution is required to maintain deposit and withdrawal records for each inmate account; (5) all inmates are informed of their rights and responsibilities under the trust funds; and (6) BOP requires commissaries to sell most items at 25 percent above the institution's cost.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Correctional facilitiesDeposit fundsFinancial recordsFunds managementInternal controlsPrisonersTrust fundsFederal prisonsIntellectual propertyAdministration of justice