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Review of Defense Supply Agency's Mechanization of Contract Administration Services

Published: Mar 21, 1973. Publicly Released: Mar 21, 1973.
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The Department of Defense (DOD) submitted the design of the Defense Supply Agency's (DSA) Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS II) system to GAO'S office for review as an accounting system requiring Comptroller General approval. Because of the relationship of MOCAS II to DOD's Military Standard Contract Administration Procedures (MILSCAP), the principles and standards of MILSCAP were submitted to GAO's Office for review and approval. GAO's review has shown that neither of these systems is an accounting system. MILSCAP is a set of standardized procedures and data elements to be used as a basis for communicating contract administration information DOD components. MOCAS II is DSA's internal mechanized system to be used by the Defense Contract Administration Service Regions (DCASRs) in support of MILSCAP. The design of systems such as these does not require approval by the Comptroller General. As a result, GAO determined the would be terminating the review of MILSCAP and MOCAS II.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs