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General Services Administration

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Open Recommendations (26 total)

Single Audits: Improving Federal Audit Clearinghouse Information and Usability Could Strengthen Federal Award Oversight

3 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of GSA should develop a process to regularly identify, analyze, and respond to FAC data reliability issues that may affect federal oversight, such as establishing edit checks to mitigate issues related to data accuracy, consistency, and completeness. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
General Services Administration The Administrator of GSA should, in coordination with federal agencies and professional audit organizations, identify and prioritize features to enhance the usefulness of FAC data for federal oversight in accordance with federal data standards. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
General Services Administration The Administrator of GSA should, in coordination with federal agencies, develop proposed funding and timelines for implementing the identified and prioritized features to enhance the usefulness of FAC data for federal oversight through interagency agreements or other methods. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Single Audits: Improving Federal Audit Clearinghouse Information and Usability Could Strengthen Federal Award Oversight

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of GSA should, upon consulting with professional audit organizations, provide additional training to auditors and recipients to help ensure that they complete FAC data collection forms accurately, completely, and consistent with the audit report. (Recommendation 8)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Federal Real Property: More Consistent Monitoring of Asbestos Could Improve Oversight

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of GSA should either implement a plan to ensure that asbestos inspections are conducted in accordance with GSA's current asbestos management policy or revise the policy to incorporate a risk-based approach. Such a plan could include strategies to address funding gaps, a timeline for completing missing inspections or updating the asbestos management policy, and steps to update the IRIS database to allow GSA to better monitor compliance with the policy. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Sexual Harassment: Actions Needed to Improve Prevention Training for Federal Civilian Employees

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of the General Services Administration should develop and implement a plan to evaluate the agency's required sexual harassment prevention training to identify needed improvements. The evaluation plan should include an assessment of training content and implementation to determine whether revisions are needed to better align with management practices to enhance the effectiveness of sexual harassment prevention training. (Recommendation 5)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Cloud Security: Federal Authorization Program Usage Increasing, but Challenges Need to Be Fully Addressed

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of General Services should direct the Director of FedRAMP to develop a plan, including firm time frames, for issuing guidance on how CSPs can navigate the FIPS 140-3 cryptographic requirements. (Recommendation 3)
GSA agreed with the recommendation. When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Artificial Intelligence: Agencies Have Begun Implementation but Need to Complete Key Requirements

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of General Services should ensure that the agency develops a plan to either achieve consistency with EO 13960 section 5 for each AI application or retires AI applications found to be developed or used in a manner that is not consistent with the order. (Recommendation 31)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Artificial Intelligence: Agencies Have Begun Implementation but Need to Complete Key Requirements

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of General Services should ensure that the agency updates its AI use case inventory to include all the required information, at minimum, and takes steps to ensure that the data in the inventory aligns with provided instructions. (Recommendation 32)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Federal Contracting: Opportunities Exist to Improve the Reporting of Waivers to Domestic Preference Laws

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
General Services Administration The Administrator of GSA should conduct user testing with industry to obtain input on how, if at all, it could improve website functionality. (Recommendation 6)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.