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China: U.S. and European Union Arms Sales Since the 1989 Embargoes

T-NSIAD-98-171 Published: Apr 28, 1998. Publicly Released: Apr 28, 1998.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO discussed the status of the arms embargoes imposed on China by the European Union (EU) and the United States following the 1989 massacre of demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, focusing on the: (1) terms of the EU embargoes; (2) extent of EU and U.S. sales of military items to China since 1989; and (3) potential role that such items could play in addressing China's defense needs.

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Office of Public Affairs


Export regulationForeign governmentsForeign military salesForeign military sales agreementsForeign trade policiesInternational relationsInternational trade restrictionMilitary materielWeapons systemsEmbargoes