Report of the National Commission on the Public Service
GAO discussed the National Commission on the Public Service's report on the changes needed to restore vitality and credibility to the public service. GAO noted that the commission's report included recommendations for: (1) rebuilding public trust in government; (2) improving the presidential appointments process; (3) ensuring advancement opportunities for career executives; (4) decentralizing government management; (5) strengthening the partnership between presidential appointees and career personnel; (6) rebuilding student interest in civil service; (7) recruiting top college graduates; (8) opening new communication channels to facilitate personnel recruiting efforts; (9) simplifying the recruiting process; (10) increasing minority group representation; (11) providing competitive pay and demanding competitive performance; (12) strengthening the government's personnel agency; (13) increasing government productivity; (14) providing effective training; and (15) improving the government work place. GAO believes that: (1) the President, Congress, and cabinet secretaries must exert leadership in revitalizing the public service; and (2) such agencies as the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Management and Budget must take on more effective leadership roles and emphasize development of the public service in a long-term perspective.