Technology Transfer: Number and Characteristics of Inventions Licensed by Six Federal Agencies
Published: Jun 18, 1999. Publicly Released: Jun 18, 1999.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the licensing of government-owned inventions created under federally funded research projects, focusing on: (1) government-owned inventions licensed by six federal agencies during fiscal years 1996 through 1998, including the royalties received during that period, and the total number of active licenses these agencies had as of October 1, 1998; (2) whether the licenses were exclusive or nonexclusive; (3) whether the licensees were small businesses, individuals, large businesses, or nonprofit organizations; and (4) whether the licensees were foreign or domestic.
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Public Inquiries
Federal grantsIntellectual propertyLicense agreementsPatentsResearch and developmentRoyalty paymentsStatistical dataTechnology transferFederal agenciesU.S. Navy