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Nuclear Waste: Nevada's Use of Nuclear Waste Grant Funds

RCED-96-72 Published: Mar 20, 1996. Publicly Released: Apr 01, 1996.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed Nevada's use of Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear waste grant funds, focusing on: (1) whether Nevada has used federal funds for prohibited purposes; (2) what controls DOE has in place to ensure that Nevada appropriately spends its federal funds; and (3) whether DOE has recovered previously identified misspent federal funds.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Energy To better ensure that grant funds are adequately protected and that the recipients of these funds comply with the applicable laws and regulations, the Secretary of Energy should determine the amount of grant funds expended by Nevada for prohibited purposes, including the expenditures questioned in the 1990 GAO report that DOE has not resolved, and, where appropriate, seek repayment of the prohibited expenditures.
Closed – Implemented
DOE contracted with an independent auditor to review GAO's findings. The auditors concluded that $198,252 in federal funds expended by Nevada were not spent in accordance with federal law and that there was insufficient documentation supporting the expenditure of another $493,583. Therefore, on June 11, 1998, DOE notified Nevada that it would not approve any withdrawals that would take the balance of grant funds below $691,835--the sum of the questioned amounts. After providing the state with an opportunity to provide additional support for the questioned expenditures, DOE, in a letter dated September 9, 1998, notified Nevada that it would reallocate the questioned funds as its means of recouping the funds.
Department of Energy To better ensure that grant funds are adequately protected and that the recipients of these funds comply with the applicable laws and regulations, the Secretary of Energy should ensure that Nevada's internal controls over grant funds comply with federal standards.
Closed – Implemented
DOE adopted an alternative strategy for ensuring that Nevada's internal controls over grant funds comply with federal standards. This should accomplish the objective of better ensuring that grant funds are adequately protected and that fund recipients comply with applicable laws and regulations. To ensure that there is a common understanding on the permissible uses of nuclear waste funds provided to Nevada, DOE is providing guidelines on the statutory restrictions applicable to expenditure of Nuclear Waste Fund monies to the state, counties in Nevada and California that receive Nuclear Waste Funds grant monies, and the agency designated under the Single Audit Act to audit the state's use of federal funds. DOE intends to provide the guidelines when Congress appropriates funds for the state's nuclear waste oversight function. DOE intends to request that the designated audit agency audit the state's and the counties' expenditures of future waste fund monies against those restrictions.

Full Report


Appropriation limitationsstate relationsGrant administrationGrants to statesInternal controlsLobbying activitiesMalfeasanceNuclear waste disposalNuclear wasteExpenditure of funds