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National Park Service: Scope and Cost of America's Industrial Heritage Project Need to Be Defined

RCED-93-134 Published: May 14, 1993. Publicly Released: Jun 15, 1993.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission's America's Industrial Heritage Project (AIHP), focusing on: (1) AIHP total costs and funding; (2) AIHP project development and how AIHP projects relate to the National Park Service's national priorities list; and (3) who is responsible for future AIHP project operation and maintenance.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of the Interior Because of the uncertainties about the development and operation of AIHP, the Secretary of the Interior should direct the Commission to develop a plan that: (1) clearly defines the scope of AIHP in terms of the number, size, and cost of the projects; (2) identifies the projects on nonfederal land, if any, that will require federal funds for operation and maintenance, the amount of such funds, and the period for which the funds will be needed; and (3) provides adequate assurance that over the long term the federal investment in AIHP will be protected. The plan, when developed, should be submitted to the applicable congressional authorization and appropriations committees to facilitate any deliberations on the future size and costs of AIHP.
Closed – Implemented
The Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Commission has developed a "Scope and Cost of Implementing the Action Plan" for America's Industrial Heritage Project as well as a "Covenant Agreement." Together, these documents present (1) the funding over the next 10 years for project development, (2) the need for Commission support, and (3) private sector support for non-Park Service projects after initial development costs.

Full Report

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Administrative costsAppropriated fundsBudget administrationBudgetingHistoric preservationNational historic sitesNational parksProgram managementPublic landsCoal