Air Pollution: EPA's Strategy and Resources May Be Inadequate to Control Air Toxics
Published: Jun 26, 1991. Publicly Released: Jul 30, 1991.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO examined the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) efforts to implement the new toxic air pollution requirements of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, focusing on EPA actions to: (1) develop a strategic plan for carrying out the requirements; and (2) obtain sufficient resources to meet its regulatory responsibilities within the set time frames.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
Environmental Protection Agency | To help ensure successful implementation of air toxics mandates in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the Administrator, EPA, should revise the EPA strategy for the timely accomplishment of the act's air toxics objectives to include all actions, activities, and tasks mandated or reasonably believed to be necessary to carry out the air toxics objectives of the act. |
In response to the November 12, 1991 hearing, and GAO testimony (GAO/T-RCED-92-11), EPA prepared a revised strategic plan for meeting Clean Air Act air toxic requirements.
Environmental Protection Agency | To reasonably ensure successful implementation of air toxics mandates in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the Administrator, EPA, should submit appropriation requests to Congress for the funds necessary to fully implement the air toxics provisions within the act's mandated time frames. To facilitate decisionmaking, especially during periods of fiscal austerity, the Administrator, EPA, should present Congress with several scenarios depicting envisioned EPA progress at various funding levels. |
In response to the November 12, 1991 hearing and GAO testimony (GAO/T-RCED-92-11), EPA has requested substantial increases in fiscal year 1993 funding for its air toxic program.
Full Report
Public Inquiries
Air pollutionAir pollution controlAppropriated fundsEnvironmental legislationEnvironmental researchIndustrial pollutionPollution controlPollution monitoringRegulationRegulatory agencies