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Truck Safety: Information on Driver Training

RCED-89-163 Published: Aug 03, 1989. Publicly Released: Aug 22, 1989.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed: (1) the Federal Highway Administration's (FHwA) efforts to establish minimum federal standards for training tractor-trailer drivers; (2) driver training curricula offered by various public and private schools; and (3) trucking industry efforts to improve the quality of driver training.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Transportation The Secretary of Transportation should direct the Administrator, FHwA, to: (1) request public comments on the merits of establishing by regulation formal tractor-trailer training as a uniform standard for the issuance of state commercial drivers' licenses (CDL) and developing federal standards for such training; and (2) if appropriate, initiate a new rulemaking for this purpose.
Closed – Implemented
FHwA is assisting states to implement the CDL program, which requires federal standards for testing and licensing commercial drivers and provides incentives for states to improve driver safety. GAO believes that the action is not fully responsive because driver error continues to be cited as the major cause of truck accidents.

Full Report

Media Inquiries

Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

Public Inquiries


Driver educationEducation program evaluationSafety standardsTraffic accidentsTransportation safetyTrucking operationsVocational educationTruck driversCommercial motor vehicle operatorsCertification (occupational)