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Wastewater Dischargers Are Not Complying With EPA Pollution Control Permits

RCED-84-53 Published: Dec 02, 1983. Publicly Released: Dec 02, 1983.
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GAO reviewed compliance with and the effectiveness of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), should determine to what degree limited resources contribute to continued high noncompliance and enforcement problems in the permit program and present this analysis to Congress for its consideration in determining whether additional resources should be provided to improve the program's effectiveness.
Closed – Not Implemented
Resource needs were analyzed by EPA. There is no indication that EPA intends to devote additional resources to this matter.
Environmental Protection Agency To address problems in the NPDES permit program that can be mitigated without substantial additional resources, the Administrator, EPA, should develop information on New York State's subsidy program for treatment plant operation and maintenance to determine if the program does, in fact, improve compliance rates. If significant contributions have been made by the subsidy program, EPA should communicate the results of the program to all the states.
Closed – Implemented
EPA analyzed statewide compliance data, not specific data on the operation and maintenance program.
Environmental Protection Agency To address problems in the NPDES permit program that can be mitigated without substantial additional resources, the Administrator, EPA, should require EPA regional offices and encourage the states to follow-up in a timely manner on missing and incomplete discharge monitoring reports.
Closed – Implemented
EPA issued guidance in 1985 that appears to be responsive to this recommendation.
Environmental Protection Agency To address problems in the NPDES permit program that can be mitigated without substantial additional resources, the Administrator, EPA, should provide trend data from the EPA Laboratory Quality Assurance Program to regions and states to help them upgrade the quality of performance of laboratories providing data for discharge reports.
Closed – Implemented
EPA is sending some data to the regions.
Environmental Protection Agency To address problems in the NPDES permit program that can be mitigated without substantial additional resources, the Administrator, EPA, should issue guidance to EPA regions and states which establishes specific time frames when voluntary compliance efforts should end and when formal enforcement measures should be undertaken.
Closed – Implemented
EPA established an enforcement response guide, but did not establish specific time frames.
Environmental Protection Agency To address problems in the NPDES permit program that can be mitigated without substantial additional resources, the Administrator, EPA, should submit legislative proposals to Congress which would give EPA authority to assess monetary penalties for permit noncompliance.
Closed – Implemented
Legislation was formally submitted to Congress in mid-November 1983, two weeks before the issuance of the GAO report. Legislation which gave the authority for EPA to assess monetary penalties was signed by the President in January 1987.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Agency missionsLicensesNoncomplianceProgram evaluationWaste treatmentWastewaterWater pollution controlPollutantsRegulatory noncompliancePollution