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Mission Need for Advanced Strategic Air Launched Missile Should Be Reaffirmed Before Contracts Are Awarded

PSAD-79-101 Published: Aug 10, 1979. Publicly Released: Aug 10, 1979.
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In November 1977 the Advanced Strategic Air Launched Missile (ASALM) program was designated as a major system acquisition by the Department of Defense, but the Air Force plans to award subsystem demonstration and validation contracts before a Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council I (DSARC I) review of the program. A DSARC I review reaffirms the mission need for a system and approves a program for competitively demonstrating the system concept. The Air Force estimates that the ASALM total research and development cost will be about $1.4 billion, and subsystem demonstration and validation contracts are estimated to cost almost $84 million through fiscal year 1982. Air Force officials believe a DSARC I milestone prior to contract award is not necessary because the contracts are for "subsystem" work as opposed to "system" development efforts. According to regulations, however, the demonstration and validation phase could involve alternative subsystems only and not be conducted at the system level.

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