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Status of the F-18 Naval Strike Fighter Program

PSAD-77-24 Published: Mar 01, 1977. Publicly Released: Mar 01, 1977.
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The F-18 is a Department of the Navy fighter/attack aircraft being developed by the McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, with engines developed by the General Electric Corporation. The F-18 fighter aircraft's primary mission will be fighter escort, and its secondary mission will be fleet air defense. The attack aircraft's mission will be interdiction and close air support. The Navy plans to produce 800 F-18 aircraft: 430 fighters, 310 attack aircraft, and 60 two-seat trainers. The program will cost about $13 billion for development and production. Unit procurement cost was estimated at $13.7 million on September 30, 1976.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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Air Force procurementAircraftAircraft enginesAircraft industryFighter aircraftAttack aircraftMilitary forcesGovernment procurementAircraft acquisition programProcurement