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Semiannual Report to Congress: October 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024

OIG-24-2SP Published: May 14, 2024. Publicly Released: May 14, 2024.
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Fast Facts

GAO's Office of Inspector General provides meaningful oversight by independently conducting audits, evaluations, and other reviews and investigating suspected fraud and other issues at GAO.

This report to Congress describes our oversight work during the first half of fiscal year 2024.

We closed two recommendations and continued work on two performance audits. Further, we issued one report of investigation and a management memo, closed 10 investigations, and processed 44 substantive hotline complaints.

In November 2023, the Senate passed the GAO Inspector General Parity Act; it is now pending before the House of Representatives.

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This report was submitted to the Comptroller General in accordance with Section 5 of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Act of 2008. The report summarizes the activities of GAO's Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the 6-month reporting period ending March 31, 2024. During this reporting period, the OIG continued work on two performance audits and closed two recommendations from a prior audit. Further, it issued one report of investigation and one management memo, closed 10 investigations, and processed 44 substantive hotline complaints.

The OIG remained active in the GAO and OIG communities by briefing new GAO employees on its audit and investigative missions, briefing GAO teams on the work of the GAO OIG, and participating in Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency committees and working groups. Notably, in November 2023, the Senate passed the GAO Inspector General Parity Act by unanimous consent; the Act is now pending before the House of Representatives.

For more information, contact Tonya R. Ford at (202) 512-5748 or

Full Report


Fraud, waste, and abuseInspectors generalPerformance auditsSemiannual reportCriminal investigationsSensitive dataAgency evaluationsInventoryManagement challengesTime and attendance records