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Chemical Demilitarization: Funding Status of the Chemical Demilitarization Program

NSIAD-99-232R Published: Jul 29, 1999. Publicly Released: Jul 29, 1999.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Department of Defense's Chemical Demilitarization Program, focusing on the : (1) extent to which the program retains significant levels of prior years' appropriations in excess of spending plans; (2) amounts of reported unallocated appropriations and unliquidated obligations from prior years' appropriations; (3) extent to which more obligations have been liquidated than previously reported; (4) primary reasons for the reported unliquidated obligations; and (5) actions that have affected or will affect unliquidated obligations.

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Budget administrationBudget outlaysDefense budgetsHazardous substancesMunitionsUnobligated budget balancesWaste disposalChemical weapons disposalMilitary forcesChemical weapons