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Minimizing Friendly Fire: The Army Should Consider Long-Term Solution in Its Procurement Decision on Near-Term Needs

NSIAD-94-19 Published: Oct 22, 1993. Publicly Released: Nov 22, 1993.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Army's development of a combat identification program to minimize ground-to-ground and air-to-ground friendly fire incidents, focusing on the Army's Battlefield Combat Identification System (BCIS).


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense To help ensure that the Army does not produce a costly system that would provide insufficient coverage in large conflicts or any conflict involving fixed-wing aircraft and may not be able to be integrated into a long-term solution, and would thus be discarded a few years after fielding, the Secretary of Defense should direct the Secretary of the Army not to proceed with the production of a near-term BCIS until the Army determines whether the near-term technology can be integrated into the mid- and long-term target identification solutions.
Closed – Implemented
DOD deferred its FY 1995 funding request of $25 million until FY 1996 when the options for the long term will be better known.

Full Report


Accident preventionAir warfareCombat readinessDefense contingency planningFratricideGround warfareMilitary aircraftMilitary cost controlMilitary land vehiclesWarning systemsWeapons systems