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C-17 Takeoff and Landing Distances

NSIAD-93-288R Published: Sep 07, 1993. Publicly Released: Oct 14, 1993.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the C-17 aircraft's takeoff and landing distances. GAO found that the: (1) Air Force has not determined the aircraft's takeoff and landing distances under normal operating conditions; (2) aircraft's flight manual safety supplement specifies longer takeoff and landing distances than the contractor's predicted capabilities estimates or the systems operational requirements document, since the safety supplement provides for greater safety margins until flight testing is completed; and (3) Department of Defense and the Air Force update the safety supplement as test flight data become available and believe that the aircraft will meet all projected landing and takeoff distance requirements.

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Comparative analysisDefense capabilitiesMilitary aircraftMilitary airlift operationsMilitary procurementProduct evaluationSafety standardsShort takeoff aircraftTestingAircraft