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Construction and Operation of the Refugee Processing Center in Bataan, the Philippines

ID-81-27 Published: Feb 06, 1981. Publicly Released: Feb 13, 1981.
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A review was conducted of the construction and operation of the Refugee Processing Center in the Philippines. The Center was set up by the United Nations with partial funding from each of the participating nations. The review included an analysis of: (1) the use and management of U.S. funds; (2) the administrative structure; (3) the roles and efficiency of the various operating entities within the Center complex; and (4) the viability of the Center concept, and whether the Center is fulfilling its objective of relieving first-asylum countries of the burden of refugee care.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Aid to refugeesConstruction costsFederal fundsInternational cooperationProgram evaluationRefugeesExpenditure of fundsTeachersInternational organizationsStudents