Federal Health Programs: Comparison of Medicare, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, Medicaid, Veterans' Health Services, Department of Defense Health Services, and Indian Health Services
Published: Aug 07, 1998. Publicly Released: Aug 07, 1998.
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GAO compared the Medicare program with five other federal health programs: the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP); the Medicaid and Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) health programs; the Department of Defense's (DOD) TRICARE health program; and the Indian Health Service (IHS). GAO also compared key features of these programs, including: (1) administrative structures, including the number of pages of legislation and regulation; (2) benefit design, including benefits covered and out-of-pocket costs to beneficiaries; (3) costs, including per capita costs and growth rates; and (4) patient and provider satisfaction.
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Comparative analysisEmployee benefit plansHealth care cost controlHealth care facilitiesHealth care programsHealth insuranceHealth services administrationManaged health careMedicaidMedicareRetirees