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Employer-Based Managed Care Plans: ERISA's Effect on Remedies for Benefit Denials and Medical Malpractice

HEHS-98-154 Published: Jul 13, 1998. Publicly Released: Jul 16, 1998.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed how people enrolled in employer-based managed care plans are compensated when they are improperly denied health care benefits or when they experience negligent medical care and the role that the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plays, focusing on: (1) whether the transition from traditional employer-based fee-for-service health plans to managed care has changed the process of benefit determination; (2) the remedies that ERISA provides to participants in employer-based managed care plans who are improperly denied benefits; (3) whether ERISA affects the ability of participants to be compensated for injuries that result from either medical malpractice or improper benefit denials at employer-based managed care plans; and (4) the consequences of changing ERISA's remedies.

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Consumer protectionDamages (legal)Retirement incomeDispute settlementsEligibility determinationsEmployee medical benefitsLiability (legal)LitigationMalpractice (medical)Managed health careProposed legislation