FBI Taking Actions To Comply Fully With the Privacy Act
Published: Dec 26, 1977. Publicly Released: Dec 26, 1977.
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Since the enactment of the Privacy Act of 1974, federal agencies have been required to report in the Federal Register all of their systems of records on individuals. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) central records system is the main system under which all investigative, personnel, administrative, and other records are kept. Information maintained by field offices and foreign liaison offices is sent to FBI headquarters to be included in the central records system. The FBI maintains a general index containing names for future retrieval and other card indexes, photo albums, control files, and computer listings.
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Confidential communicationsFederal records managementLaw enforcement agenciesLaw enforcement information systemsPrivacy lawRight of privacyCriminal investigationsPrivacy protectionFugitivesFingerprints