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Equal Employment Opportunity: Responses to Questions Related to Equal Employment Opportunity and Dispute Resolution Issues

GGD-00-123R Published: Apr 21, 2000. Publicly Released: May 04, 2000.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO responded to congressional questions regarding GAO's testimony on the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint process for federal employees, focusing on: (1) whether minorities are placed in positions that are "dead end employment tracks;" (2) whether GAO studied the Navy's Pilot Dispute Resolution Program, which is used to resolve EEO complaints; (3) whether the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) Comprehensive Enforcement Program will be able to measure progress towards its goal of eradicating discrimination in the federal workplace; and (4) the prerequisites to a successful alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program.

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Administrative remediesAlternative dispute resolutionDispute settlementsEmployment discriminationEmployment of minoritiesFair employment programsFederal employeesLabor statisticsPerformance measuresPersonnel managementRacial discriminationGrievance procedures