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Army Corps of Engineers: Expedited Permitting Process Would Benefit from More Transparency

GAO-25-107637 Published: Jan 29, 2025. Publicly Released: Jan 29, 2025.
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Our Q&A report examines the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' process for expediting the review of permits affecting wetlands, streams, and aquatic resources.

The Corps had made 23 agreements with public utilities, gas companies, and railroad carriers to receive money in exchange for expediting its permit process as of July 2, 2024. It issued over 3,600 permits under these agreements.

Legally, the Corps must follow the same permitting process for all applications and ensure impartiality. Information about permits is posted on its website but it doesn't indicate which were issued under these agreements.

Our recommendations address this, and more.

Transmission line project in wetlands with a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Transmission line project in wetlands with a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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What GAO Found

Under certain circumstances, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may accept and expend funds from nonfederal public entities, public utility companies, natural gas companies, railroad carriers, and Indian Tribes to expedite its evaluation of required permits for their projects, such as pipelines, in federally regulated waters and wetlands. The Corps does so through agreements that it makes with these entities under section 214 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (WRDA 2000), as amended. Agreements made under this authority are known as section 214 agreements.

Examples of Public Works Projects in Wetlands with a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit

Examples of Public Works Projects in Wetlands with a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit

As of July 2, 2024, the Corps had entered into 23 section 214 agreements for expedited permit processing with public utility companies, natural gas companies, and railroad carriers. The Corps has issued over 3,600 permits using funding from these agreements.

In 2018, the Corps issued updated implementation guidance to help ensure its district offices and divisions meet statutory requirements when evaluating permits under section 214 agreements. These statutory requirements include ensuring that permit evaluations under these agreements are using the same procedures for decisions as other permits, are impartial, and are not adversely affecting the timeline for evaluating permits for entities that do not have section 214 agreements, to the maximum extent practicable.

The Corps has publicly posted, as required by statute, some information about its section 214 implementation on two different program webpages. However, it does not distinguish between all permits issued using funding from section 214 agreements and other similar agreements. It also does not make all active section 214 agreements to accept funds or section 214 annual reports available on a single website, as section 214 of WRDA 2000, as amended, requires. By (1) updating its permit database to distinguish permits, (2) making all active section 214 agreements to accept funds available on a single website, and (3) making section 214 annual reports available on a single website, the Corps would enhance the transparency of its section 214 activities and ensure that it is making information publicly available as required.

Why GAO Did This Study

Nonfederal public entities and private entities that propose public works or infrastructure projects in federally regulated waters and wetlands may be required to obtain permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before proceeding. Federal statute also requires these entities to obtain permits to alter a Corps water resource project. Section 214 of WRDA 2000, as amended, authorizes the Secretary of the Army to, after providing public notice, accept and expend funds from nonfederal public entities, public utility companies, natural gas companies, railroad carriers, and Indian Tribes to expedite the evaluation of permits for their proposed projects with a public purpose that fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army.

In an August 2017 report, GAO reviewed the Corps’ implementation of its section 214 authority for public utility companies, natural gas companies, and railroad carriers, as required by WRDA 2000, as amended. America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 includes a provision for GAO to conduct a follow-up study. (Pub. L. No. 115-270, tit. I, § 1145(2), 132 Stat. 3765, 3785 (codified at 33 U.S.C. § 2352(a)(4)). This report addresses key aspects of the Corps’ use of its expedited permit processing authority for these entities.

GAO reviewed Corps documentation, including its 2018 updated implementation guidance, section 214 websites, and annual reports to relevant congressional committees. GAO also interviewed Corps officials about the Corps’ processes for expediting permit evaluations with public utilities, natural gas companies, and railroad carriers with section 214 agreements.


GAO is making three recommendations to the Corps to modify its database to distinguish between permits issued using funding from section 214 agreements and other agreements entered into under similar authorities and make all active section 214 agreements and section 214 annual reports each available on a single website. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (OASACW) concurred with one of GAO’s recommendations but did not agree with the recommendations to ensure all section 214 agreements and annual reports to Congress are each available on a single website, as required. Specifically, OASACW noted a technical disagreement with GAO’s interpretation and use of the term website and stated that it believes it has met this requirement. However, OASACW recognized that it would be easier for the public to access all of the section 214 agreements and annual reports if each page were to include a link to the other program's webpage. The comments stated that OASACW would direct the Corps to modify its webpages accordingly. GAO believes this action would substantially meet the intent of the recommendations by improving the transparency of the Corps’ section 214 activities overall and increasing the likelihood that the public could find all of the section 214 agreements and annual reports across the two different programs.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works should ensure that the Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers update the Corps' Jurisdictional Determinations and Permit Decisions website to distinguish between permits issued under section 214 agreements and those issued under other similar funding agreements. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of Defense The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works should ensure that the Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers update the Corps' website to ensure that all active section 214 agreements to accept funds are available on a single website. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of Defense The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works should ensure that the Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers update the Corps' website to ensure that all section 214 annual reports are available on a single website. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

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Natural gasEngineersPipeline operationsPublic utilitiesPublic worksRailroadsWater resources developmentMilitary forcesAgency evaluationsDatabase management systems