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DOD Satellite Communications: Reporting on Progress Needed to Provide Insight on New Approach

GAO-25-107034 Published: Mar 04, 2025. Publicly Released: Mar 04, 2025.
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Fast Facts

DOD is embarking on a new approach to its satellite communications systems, which it depends on to transmit information over long distances.

Historically, its satellite communications systems have involved user equipment (i.e., radios) that connects to a single kind of satellite. Now, DOD is shifting to an enterprise approach, in which user equipment can quickly connect to different kinds of satellites to form new networks. One benefit of this approach is that if one pathway fails, other communication pathways exist.

This shift is a complex undertaking, so we recommended that DOD report to Congress regularly on its implementation progress.

Satellite communication systems

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What GAO Found

The Department of Defense (DOD) is implementing a new approach to satellite communications (SATCOM) that aims to integrate existing and planned DOD systems, as well as a range of commercial options, into a department-wide SATCOM enterprise. Traditionally, the SATCOM systems that the department depends upon to send and receive information over long distances have relied on a small number of high-cost satellites along with ground stations and user terminals that each connect to a single type of satellite. The failure of one part of these systems would disrupt transmissions.

With DOD's new approach, satellite constellations, ground systems, and user terminals would operate as networked, integrated systems. Compared to the traditionally linear structure of independent SATCOM systems, these integrated architectures would allow multiple paths for communications to reach their destination and multiple points of access to add resilience. DOD plans to implement elements of the new approach within the next 5 years.

Shift from Linear Satellite Communications Systems to Integrated Architectures

Shift from Linear Satellite Communications Systems to Integrated Architectures

To accomplish this shift, DOD is increasing coordination among SATCOM stakeholders and with commercial SATCOM providers. Implementing enterprise SATCOM also depends on DOD enacting two key components: automating resource allocation and implementing integrated architectures. To support these components, DOD is also expanding its use of commercial SATCOM capabilities.

Both components of this shift face challenges. First, while DOD has begun automating SATCOM resource allocation, obtaining the different forms of access and permissions to enable data sharing is a challenge, according to officials. Second, DOD is acquiring necessary SATCOM systems, such as user terminals that connect to multiple satellite systems or constellations. However, the historically slow speed of system acquisitions poses a challenge to fielding these systems in time to support DOD's plans.

While DOD is making initial progress toward enterprise SATCOM, the harder part of this shift—developing and integrating hybrid SATCOM systems and networks—lies ahead. GAO found that while DOD tracks progress on the components of enterprise SATCOM, it lacks comprehensive reporting on progress toward these outcomes. Such reporting would help DOD identify and mitigate delays as early as possible, as well as inform Congress of progress.

Why GAO Did This Study

GAO has reported for over a decade on the longstanding challenges DOD faces in acquiring and delivering SATCOM systems, including cost and schedule overruns. In 2020, the Chief of Space Operations declared that SATCOM had to evolve from disparate systems into a single enterprise to operate in contested environments, be more resilient, and address evolving threats. DOD is now starting to shift its approach to SATCOM acquisition to provide more secure, interoperable systems that aim to better leverage the $500 billion global space market. But, as GAO found in 2024, DOD averages 10 years to acquire and deliver new systems (GAO-24-106831).

A Senate report includes a provision for GAO to review DOD's SATCOM planning efforts. GAO's report addresses (1) DOD's coordination and acquisition of SATCOM, including any plans to use commercial SATCOM; and (2) the extent to which DOD is ensuring SATCOM acquisitions can deliver interoperable capabilities.

GAO reviewed and analyzed DOD's operational needs, plans, and other relevant documentation. GAO also interviewed cognizant officials from across the Office of the Secretary of Defense, military departments, and the commercial SATCOM industry.


GAO recommends that DOD reports to Congress annually on its progress implementing an enterprise approach to SATCOM, to include identifying outcomes, opportunities, and risks. DOD concurred with this recommendation.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should ensure that the DOD Chief Information Officer, supported by the U.S. Space Force, reports annually to Congress on the department's progress implementing Enterprise SATCOM Management and Control and hybrid SATCOM architectures. This report should identify outcomes, opportunities, and risks associated with these efforts, and be submitted coinciding with the President's budget submission through fiscal year 2030. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Full Report

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Satellite communicationSpace acquisition programsChief information officersSatellitesMilitary forcesCommunicationsCommercial spaceSpace operationsSpace systemsConstellations