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Military Service Uniforms: DOD Could Better Identify and Address Out-of-Pocket Cost Inequities

GAO-21-120 Published: Feb 25, 2021. Publicly Released: Feb 25, 2021.
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Fast Facts

For new enlisted personnel, the military services provide uniforms (worth from $1,600-$2,400) and then annual replacement allowances. Enlisted personnel may have out-of-pocket costs, too. For example, the Air Force and Marines pay for an all-weather coat. The Army does not.

For new officers, the services generally provide $400 for uniforms and no replacement allowance.

When uniforms change, out-of-pocket costs to servicemembers can result. These vary by service, gender, and rank.

During the past 10 years, Navy and Marine Corps female officers were most affected by uniform changes.

We made recommendations to address any cost inequities and more.

Enlisted servicemembers line up with their clothing bags to receive uniforms.

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What GAO Found

While the military services—Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force—provide an annual clothing allowance to replace uniform items initially issued to enlisted service members, GAO found that some items are excluded from the allowance. This can result in out-of-pocket costs for both female and male enlisted service members. Moreover, DOD's uniform allowance policy does not provide the services with consistent criteria for designating which items are considered uniquely military and included in the allowance, and which items are not and are excluded from the allowance. For example, the Air Force and Marine Corps provide an allowance for an all-weather coat, but the Army does not.

We found these differences in replacement allowances can also contribute to differences in out-of-pocket costs by service and gender for enlisted service members (see figure). Developing consistent criteria for uniquely military items and periodically reviewing uniform replacement allowances could strengthen DOD's ability to identify and address any out-of-pocket cost differences across the services as well as between female and male enlisted service members.

Number and Total Value of Fiscal Year 2020 Enlisted Service Member Clothing Items Included in the Initial Clothing Issue but Excluded from the Services' Calculations for Standard Cash Clothing Replacement Allowances, by Service and Gender


The military services made numerous uniform changes over the past 10 years and the changed uniform items were generally more expensive. GAO found that Navy and Marine Corps female enlisted service members and officers were most affected by uniform changes. In addition, GAO found that uniform changes could result in higher costs for officers who generally pay out-of-pocket for uniform costs. While the services have the authority to determine what uniforms are required for enlisted service members and officers, uniform changes have the potential to drive out-of-pocket costs for both. With equity as an underlying principle for compensation, a review of the services' uniform changes and resulting costs could help minimize out-of-pocket cost differences across the department and between genders.

Why GAO Did This Study

The total value of military uniform items for a newly enlisted service member ranges from about $1,600 to $2,400, depending on the military service. Over the course of their careers, service members must replace and maintain their uniforms.

The conference report accompanying the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 included a provision for GAO to study service members' out-of-pocket costs for uniforms. Among other objectives, this report 1) assesses the extent to which differences exist in out-of-pocket costs for enlisted service member uniforms, by military service and by gender; and 2) examines the extent to which the military services have changed uniforms over the past 10 years, and how the costs of these changes have varied by service, enlisted or officer status, and gender. GAO reviewed DOD policies and service data on uniform allowances, enlisted and officer required uniform items and their costs, and changes made to uniforms since 2010. GAO also interviewed relevant DOD officials and service organization representatives.


GAO is making four recommendations to improve DOD's understanding of out-of-pocket costs and to address any cost differences, including that it develop consistent criteria for excluding items from replacement allowances and review planned uniform changes. DOD concurred with all four recommendations.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should ensure the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, in conjunction with the Secretaries of the military departments, develops consistent criteria for determining which uniform or clothing items are considered uniquely military across the services, in part to reduce differences in out-of-pocket costs incurred by enlisted service members across the services and by gender within a service. (Recommendation 1)
DOD concurred with this recommendation. DOD provided documentation indicating that as of May 13, 2021, OUSD(P&R) continues to meet with the Military Services to focus upon defining acceptable guidance and criteria to enable the Services to determine which items are considered uniquely military clothing. DOD will work with the Services to establish acceptable guidance and criteria to enable the Services to determine which items are considered uniquely military clothing. DOD's estimated completion date for implementing this recommendation is May 25, 2022. As of February 2022, the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act included a provision (Section 571) that required DOD to establish criteria, consistent across the military services, for determining which uniform or clothing items are considered uniquely military for purposes of calculating the standard cash clothing replacement allowances, in part to reduce differences in out-of-pocket costs incurred by enlisted service members across the military services and by gender within a military service. This language reinforces GAO's findings and further compels DOD to take action on our recommendations. A May 2024 corrective action plan states that DOD will continue to work with the military services to establish guidance and criteria to enable the services to determine which items are to be considered uniquely military clothing items. Additionally, the corrective action plan stated that DOD is drafting a directive-type memorandum that is estimated to be completed by September 30, 2024.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should ensure the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, in conjunction with the Secretaries of the military departments, periodically reviews the items included in the services' calculation of standard cash clothing replacement allowances for enlisted service members to ensure consistency and address out-of-pocket cost differences, as appropriate, across the services and by gender within a service. (Recommendation 2)
DOD concurred with this recommendation. DOD provided documentation indicating that, as of May 13, 2021, OUSD(P&R) is working with the military Services to identify additional data and requirements needed for their annual uniform clothing plans to facilitate cost discussions with each of the Services and to suggest recommendations as appropriate. DOD will identify and request the Services provide additional data and information for the annual review of the Services' uniform clothing plans, consistent with GAO's recommendations. Further, DOD indicated it will conduct annual reviews, together with each of the Services, of the uniform clothing plans, and these discussions will consider out-of-pocket cost differences between the Services and between genders. The estimated completion date is May 25, 2023. As of February 2022, Section 571 of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act requires DOD to periodically review all uniform clothing plans of each military service to identify data needed to facilitate cost discussions and make recommendations. It further requires DOD to review calculations of each military service for standard clothing replacement allowances for enlisted members, in order to develop a standard by which to identify differences, every five years. DOD is also required to review the initial clothing allowances for officers at least every 10 years. Lastly, DOD is required to review all plans of each military service for changes to uniform items to determine if planned changes will result in cost differences. A corrective action plan provided in May 2024 states that DOD is regularly meeting with the military services to develop a standard to identify cost differences deemed to be significant enough to merit being addressed. The corrective action plan also stated that the standard will be included in a directive-type memorandum that is estimated to be completed by September 30, 2024.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should ensure that the military services submit their respective plans for changing uniform items, including the estimated costs associated with the change, to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness for review. (Recommendation 3)
DOD concurred with this recommendation. In documentation provided to us, DOD indicated that, as of May 13, 2021, OUSD(P&R) will continue to request the Services submit their plans for changing uniform items and submit estimated cost data, consistent with GAO's recommendations. Further, DOD Indicated it will conduct annual reviews with each of the Services. Additional information and an updated date of estimated completion was provided by DOD in a corrective action plan in May 2024. It states that DOD will request the military services submit their plans for changing uniform items and submit estimated cost data and that DOD will conduct annual reviews of the plan and data. DOD estimates completion of these actions by September 30, 2024.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should ensure the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness reviews military service plans for changing uniform items to determine any potential out-of-pocket cost differences among the services or among genders within a service that may result, and to recommend any adjustments to ensure equity, as appropriate. (Recommendation 4)
DOD concurred with this recommendation. In documentation provided to us, DOD indicated that as of May 13, 2021, OUSD(P&R) is working with the military Services to understand out-of-pocket cost differences associated with changes in uniform items and to suggest recommendations as appropriate. DOD will request the Services provide additional information on out-of-pocket cost differences for changes to uniform items in their annual uniform clothing plans. As of February 2022, Section 571 of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act required that, not later than September 30, 2022, each Secretary of a military department shall prescribe regulations that ensure that if a change to a uniform of a military service affects only enlisted members of one gender, an enlisted member of such gender in that military service shall be entitled to an allowance equal to the out-of-pocket cost related to such change. A corrective action plan provided in May 2024 provides additional information and updated estimated dates of completion. It states that DOD will request the services provide additional information on out-of-pocket cost differences for changes to uniform items in their annual uniform clothing plans and conduct an annual review of those planned changes. This requirement will be included in a directive-type memorandum that is being drafted and DOD estimates completion of these actions by September 30, 2024.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Clothing allowancesMilitary departmentsMilitary forcesPrice inflationProjectionsUniformsAllowancesMilitary readinessMilitary compensationWomen