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Information Technology: Continued Attention Needed to Accurately Report Federal Spending and Improve Management

GAO-11-831T Published: Jul 14, 2011. Publicly Released: Jul 14, 2011.
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A long-standing goal of Congress has been to improve the performance and transparency of the federal government through the use of information technology (IT). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) plays a key role in improving the transparency and oversight of federal investments. Given the size of these investments and their importance to the health, economy, and security of the nation, it is critical for OMB and federal agencies to provide appropriate program oversight and ensure adequate transparency. GAO was asked to testify on IT systems used by federal agencies to report spending. To prepare this statement, GAO drew on previously published work on two government reporting mechanisms--an IT Dashboard and These public Web sites were deployed by OMB in June 2009 and December 2007, respectively. The Dashboard provides detailed information on approximately 800 major federal IT investments, including assessments of these investments' performance against cost and schedule targets (referred to as ratings). contains data on federal awards (e.g., contracts, loans, and grants) across the federal government.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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AccountabilityBudget functionsData integrityE-governmentFederal agenciesFederal procurementInformation technologyInternal controlsIT investment managementPerformance measuresReporting requirementsSchedule slippagesGovernment agency oversightPolicies and proceduresTransparency