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Rail Security: TSA Improved Risk Assessment but Could Further Improve Training and Information Sharing

GAO-11-688T Published: Jun 14, 2011. Publicly Released: Jun 14, 2011.
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Alleged terrorist plots against rail systems in major U.S. cities have increased focus on these systems. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is the primary federal agency responsible for rail security. This testimony addresses the following: (1) the extent that DHS has conducted comprehensive risk assessments for the transportation sector, including for rail, (2) technologies available to enhance rail security, (3) TSA's efforts regarding rail security training, and (4) rail stakeholders' satisfaction with security-related information TSA is providing. GAO's testimony is based on GAO reports issued from March 2009 through September 2010, selected updates conducted in May through June 2011, and preliminary results from ongoing work on information sharing. As part of the ongoing work, GAO surveyed the seven largest freight rail carriers (based on revenue) and interviewed security officials from three of these rail carriers selected for location, as well as TSA officials.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Emergency preparednessEmployee trainingFreight transportationMass transitRail securityRailroad industryRisk assessmentRisk managementSecurity threatsTechnologyTerrorismTraining utilizationTransportation securityInformation sharing