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Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program: Preliminary Information on Actions Taken by Agencies to Address Fraud and Abuse and Remaining Vulnerabilities

GAO-11-589T Published: Jul 28, 2011. Publicly Released: Jul 28, 2011.
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The Small Business Administration (SBA) most recently reported in fiscal year 2010 that $10.8 billion of federal contracts were awarded to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB). SBA's report also showed that, of this amount, $3.2 billion was for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contracts. In 2009 and 2010, GAO reported on weaknesses in fraud-prevention controls that allowed 10 ineligible firms to receive millions of dollars in SDVOSB contracts. GAO was asked to update (1) agency actions in response to prior investigations of 10 case-study firms, the status of prior GAO recommendations, and the status of ongoing Inspector General (IG) investigations, and (2) the status of any new federal contract obligations associated with the case-study firms. This testimony provides preliminary information on GAO's ongoing work. To address these objectives, GAO reviewed prior findings from audits and investigations of the SDVOSB program, and contacted SBA, VA, and agency IG officials for an update on actions taken in response to GAO's prior recommendations and the 10 case-study firms. GAO identified contract obligations awarded to the 10 case-study firms. GAO did not validate representations made by agency officials or determine whether any of the 10 case-study firms receiving contracts subsequent to the November 2009 testimony were eligible or not. GAO discussed information in this statement with SBA and VA officials who generally agreed with the findings.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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AuditsData collectionFederal regulationsFraudGeneral management reviewsInvestigations by federal agenciesInvestigations into federal agenciesProgram abusesProgram evaluationService-disabled veteran-owned small businessSmall businessSmall business assistanceSmall business set-asidesVeteransVeterans benefitsWaste, fraud, and abuse