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GAO's Perspectives on Fiscal and Performance Challenges Facing Government

GAO-11-1071CG Published: Aug 23, 2011. Publicly Released: Aug 23, 2011.
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This is a Comptroller General presentation delivered to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Washington, DC on August 23, 2011. Major topics of this presentation include: long term fiscal simulations, Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act goals, financial management challenges; overlap, fragmentation, and duplication; and an update of GAO's High-Risk List.

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Office of Public Affairs


Accounting standardsBudget activitiesCost analysisCost controlErroneous paymentsFederal agenciesFinancial managementFinancial statement auditsFinancial statementsFiscal policiesPerformance measuresProgram managementReporting requirementsCorrective actionDuplication of effortFederal agency leadershipProgram costsProgram goals or objectives