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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: DHS Needs to Conclude Negotiations and Finalize Regulations to Implement Federal Immigration Law

GAO-10-671T Published: May 18, 2010. Publicly Released: May 18, 2010.
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This testimony discusses our work on the status of efforts to establish federal border control in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) and implement the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 (CNRA) with regard to foreign workers, visitors, and investors in the CNMI. In May 2008, the United States enacted CNRA, amending the U.S.-CNMI Covenant to establish federal control of CNMI immigration. CNRA contains several CNMI-specific provisions affecting foreign workers and investors during a transition period that began in November 2009 and ends in 2014. In addition, CNRA amends existing U.S. immigration law to establish a joint visa waiver program for the CNMI and Guam by replacing an existing visa waiver program for Guam visitors. During the transition period, the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretaries of the Interior, Labor, and State and the U.S. Attorney General, has the responsibility to establish, administer, and enforce a transition program to regulate immigration in the CNMI. CNRA requires that we report on the implementation of federal immigration law in the CNMI. This testimony summarizes findings from our recent report regarding (1) steps that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has taken to establish federal border control in the CNMI; (2) actions that DHS has taken to implement programs for workers, visitors, and investors; and (3) unresolved operational challenges that DHS has encountered.

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Immigration statusBorder securityFederal lawFederal regulationsForeign governmentsHomeland securityImmigrantsImmigrationInternational relationsInvestments abroadTemporary employmentVisas