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Highway Trust Fund: Options for Improving Sustainability and Mechanisms to Manage Solvency

GAO-09-845T Published: Jun 25, 2009. Publicly Released: Jun 25, 2009.
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The Highway Account within the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) is the principal means for funding federal highway programs. Administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) within the Department of Transportation (DOT), it channels about $33 billion in highway user excise taxes annually to states for highway and related spending. Estimated outlays from the Highway Account under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act--A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) exceeded estimated receipts throughout the authorization period--fiscal years 2005 through 2009. Furthermore, actual account receipts were lower than had been estimated and the account balance dropped more rapidly than anticipated, approaching zero in August, 2008. Congress subsequently approved legislation in September 2008 to appropriate $8 billion from the General Fund of the Treasury to replenish the account. Agency officials anticipate the account will reach a critical stage again before the end of fiscal year 2009, and estimate that about $15 billion will be needed to ensure account solvency through the end of fiscal year 2010. This statement summarizes GAO's past work on 1) the collection and distribution process for the Highway Account of the HTF, 2) options for improving long-term sustainability of the HTF, and 3) mechanisms to help manage Highway Account solvency.

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AccountabilityAllocation (Government accounting)Budget obligationsContract authorityCost analysisExcise taxesFederal aid for highwaysFederal fund accountsFederal fundsFederal legislationstate relationsFuel taxesFunds managementProgram managementTransportation costsTrust fundsTrust fund sustainable solvencyTrust fund insolvency