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Bid Protests At GAO: A Descriptive Guide (Ninth Edition, 2009)

GAO-09-471SP Apr 03, 2009
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Over the years, GAO has developed a substantial body of law and standard procedures for considering bid protests. This is the ninth edition of Bid Protests at GAO: A Descriptive Guide, prepared by the Office of the General Counsel, to aid those interested in GAO's bid protest process. We issued the first edition of this booklet in 1975 to facilitate greater public familiarity with the bid protest process at GAO and we have revised it over the years to reflect changes in our bid protest procedures. This edition incorporates changes made to our Bid Protest Regulations, effective June 9, 2008, to conform the regulations to changes in our jurisdiction enacted by section 568 of the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2008 (enacted as Division E of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Pub. L. 110-161, 121 Stat. 1844), and by sections 326 and 843 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, Pub. L. 110-181, 122 Stat. 3, 62, 236. This edition also incorporates changes to our protective order.


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Kenneth E. Patton
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Office of the General Counsel

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Office of the General Counsel

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