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Airline Industry: Potential Mergers and Acquisitions Driven by Financial and Competitive Pressures

GAO-08-845 Published: Jul 31, 2008. Publicly Released: Jul 31, 2008.
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The airline industry is vital to the U.S. economy, generating operating revenues of nearly $172 billion in 2007, amounting to over 1 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product. It serves as an important engine for economic growth and a critical link in the nation's transportation infrastructure, carrying more than 700 million passengers in 2007. Airline deregulation in 1978, led, at least in part, to increasingly volatile airline profitability, resulting in periods of significant losses and bankruptcies. In response, some airlines have proposed or are considering merging with or acquiring another airline. GAO was asked to help prepare Congress for possible airline mergers or acquisitions. This report describes (1) the financial condition of the U.S. passenger airline industry, (2) whether the industry is becoming more or less competitive, (3) why airlines seek to merge with or acquire other airlines, and (4) the role of federal authorities in reviewing proposed airline mergers and acquisitions. To answer these objectives, we analyzed Department of Transportation (DOT) financial and operating data; interviewed agency officials, airline managers, and industry experts; and reviewed Horizontal Merger Guidelines and spoke with antitrust experts. DOT and the Department of Justice (DOJ) provided technical comments, which were incorporated as appropriate.

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Air transportationAirline regulationAirlinesAntitrust lawBankruptcyCommercial aviationCompetitionCorporate mergersCost analysisCost controlEconomic analysisEconomic policiesEnergy costsFederal regulationsFinancial analysisFinancial managementFuel pricesLossesPassengersProcurement