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Coast Guard: Strategies for Mitigating the Loss of Patrol Boats Are Achieving Results in the Near Term, but They Come at a Cost and Longer Term Sustainability Is Unknown

GAO-08-660 Published: Jun 23, 2008. Publicly Released: Jun 23, 2008.
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The Coast Guard's 110-foot patrol boats are used for a number of missions, such as enforcement of fisheries laws, and the interdiction of migrants and illicit drugs. As part of the Coast Guard's initial plans to replace many of its vessels, it intended to convert its 110-foot patrol boats into 123-foot patrol boats with increased capabilities until the replacement vessel, the Fast Response Cutter (FRC), became operational. However, structural problems on the eight converted 123-foot boats led the Coast Guard to remove these boats from service. Faced with a loss of operational hours, especially in the Coast Guard's Florida-based District 7 where these boats operated, the Coast Guard implemented mitigation strategies to recover lost operational hours. This report provides information on Coast Guard patrol boat operations and, in particular, addresses: (1) operational challenges created by the removal from service of the 123-foot patrol boats and the Coast Guard's strategies for mitigating their loss; (2) effects these mitigation strategies have had on overall Coast Guard operational hours, as well as operating and maintenance costs, patrol boat crews, and mission performance; and (3) issues that could affect the sustainability of these strategies. To conduct its work, GAO analyzed data and other documentation on patrol boat operations and mitigation strategies, and interviewed Coast Guard officials.

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Agency missionsCoast Guard personnelCombat readinessContinuity of operationsHomeland securityLossesMaintenance (upkeep)Maintenance costsMilitary forcesMilitary operationsMilitary trainingMilitary vesselsMission essential operationsMunicipal governmentsNaval operationsPerformance measuresProgram evaluationShipsStrategic planningOperations and maintenance costsProgram goals or objectives