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Update on the United Nations' Capital Master Plan

GAO-07-414R Published: Feb 15, 2007. Publicly Released: Feb 15, 2007.
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Since 2000, the United Nations (UN) has been developing a Capital Master Plan (CMP) to renovate its headquarters complex in New York City to bring it into compliance with current life safety and building codes. The planned renovation will also enable the UN to address technology and security needs. Since 2001, we have reported on the UN's efforts to develop the CMP. As we finalized our most recent report in November 2006, the UN Secretary-General released the latest progress report on the CMP and recommended that the UN General Assembly approve a scope, schedule, budget, and funding mechanism for the CMP. The Secretary-General's report also included an updated cost estimate of $1.88 billion for the project. This estimate for the CMP is about $128 million higher than the previous estimate, which was released in 2005. As the host country and largest contributor to the UN, the United States continues to have a significant interest in the success of the renovation. In this report, we (1) analyze the changes in the latest cost estimate and (2) describe the latest decisions the UN General Assembly made in regard to the CMP and the resulting cost to the United States to fund the project.

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Media Inquiries

Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Construction costsCost analysisCost overrunsFacility repairsFuture budget projectionsInflationInternational organizationsSchedule slippagesCost estimatesProfessional fees