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Equal Employment Opportunity: The Policy Framework in the Federal Workplace and the Roles of EEOC and OPM

GAO-05-195 Published: Apr 29, 2005. Publicly Released: May 10, 2005.
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The federal government has created a framework to provide for EEO by prohibiting unlawful discrimination based on such factors as race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, and disability, and offers redress when discrimination and retaliation have occurred. To further EEO and help bring about a diverse workforce, federal agencies are required to carry out affirmative employment and minority recruitment programs. EEOC and OPM have primary responsibility for ensuring that the government's policies for a fair, equitable, and inclusive workplace are carried out. In response to a congressional request that GAO provide information on the federal government's performance in promoting EEO and managing its diverse workforce, this report provides information on (1) the statutory and policy framework relating to EEO, affirmative employment, and workforce diversity and (2) the roles and responsibilities of EEOC and OPM within the framework and how these agencies carry out these roles and responsibilities.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Diversity managementEmployment discriminationFair employment programsFederal employeesFederal lawFederal legislationFederal regulationsLabor forcePersonnel recruitingPolicy evaluationHiring policiesEmployment of minoritiesMinoritiesDiversityPolicies and procedures