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Department of Defense: Further Actions Needed to Establish and Implement a Framework for Successful Financial and Business Management Transformation

GAO-04-551T Published: Mar 23, 2004. Publicly Released: Mar 23, 2004.
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In March 2002, GAO testified on the Department of Defense's (DOD) financial management problems and key elements necessary for successful reform. Although the underlying conditions remain fundamentally unchanged, within the past 2 years DOD has begun a number of initiatives intended to address previously reported problems and transform its business operations. The Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Senate Committee on Armed Services, asked GAO to provide a current status report on DOD's progress to date and suggestions for improvement. Specifically, GAO was asked to provide (1) an overview of the impact of financial and related business weaknesses on DOD operations, (2) the underlying causes of DOD business transformation challenges, and (3) the status of DOD reform efforts. In addition, GAO reiterates the key elements to successful reform: (1) an integrated business transformation strategy, (2) sustained leadership and resource control, (3) clear lines of responsibility and accountability, (4) results-oriented performance, (5) appropriate incentives and consequences, (6) an enterprise architecture to guide reform efforts, and (7) effective monitoring and oversight. GAO also offers two suggestions for legislative consideration which are intended to improve the likelihood of meaningful, broad-based financial management and related business reform at DOD.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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AccountabilityFinancial managementFinancial management systemsInternal controlsPerformance measuresEnterprise architectureHuman capitalMilitary forcesFinancial statementsBusiness systems modernization