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Geographic Information Systems: Challenges to Effective Data Sharing

GAO-03-874T Published: Jun 10, 2003. Publicly Released: Jun 10, 2003.
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Geographic information systems (GIS) manipulate, analyze, and graphically present an array of information associated with geographic locations, have been invaluable to all levels of government. Their usefulness in disaster response was recently demonstrated during the Space Shuttle Columbia recovery effort. GIS provided precise maps and search grids to guide crews to the debris that was strewn across 41 counties in Texas and Louisiana. The federal government has long been attempting to develop an integrated nationwide GIS network. The information available through such a network could significantly enhance decision--making in myriad public--service areas, including emergency response, national security, law enforcement, health care, and the environment. Among GAO's objectives were to describe the federal government's efforts to coordinate GIS activities, the long-standing challenges of adopting and implementing federal GIS standards, and the role of Geospatial One-Stop.

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Data collectionGeographic information systemsEmergency responseInteragency relationsRedundancyHealth care standardsComputer matchingCensusE-governmentFederal agencies