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Federally Chartered Corporation: Rview of the Financial Statement Audit Report for the Civil Air Patrol for Fiscal Year 2000

GAO-03-859R Published: Jun 05, 2003. Publicly Released: Jun 05, 2003.
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GAO reviewed the audit report covering the financial statements of the Civil Air Patrol for fiscal year 2000. GAO did not review the auditors' working papers and is not rendering an audit opinion. The audit report included the auditors' opinion that with one exception, the financial statements of the corporation were presented fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The exception related to six wings as a region as well as unites below using level not being audited and not being included in these financial statements.

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Audit reportsAccounting standardsFederal corporationsFinancial statement auditsReporting requirementsFinancial statementsAuditorsFederally chartered corporationFinancial managementFederal assistance programs