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Federal Vacancies Reform Act: Key Elements for Agency Procedures for Complying with the Act

GAO-03-806 Jul 15, 2003
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The Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 sets requirements for reporting to Congress and the Comptroller General actions related to Presidential Appointment with Senate Confirmation (PAS) positions as well as the qualifications for and term limits on acting PAS officers. GAO had reviewed agencies' performance in implementing the Vacancies Reform Act and found substantial problems with their reporting timeliness and compliance with term limits for acting officials. In this current effort, GAO looked at agencies' procedures to identify approaches that could be applied across the government to help assure effective implementation of the act.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Other The Director, Office of Presidential Personnel, should encourage all agencies in the executive branch to ensure that their Vacancies Reform Act procedures include the critical elements identified in this report.
Closed – Implemented
We were advised by the liaison in the White House Counsel's Office that, based on discussions she had with the Office of Presidential Personnel, periodic meetings are now being held with White House liaisons from the departments during which the liaisons are encouraged to assure compliance with the Vacancies Reform Act consistent with our recommendation. This is consistent with our recommendation and we consider it to be responsive.
